Brethren Worth Remembering – Colossians 4:7-14

The Apostle Paul often ends his letters with greetings from brethren who are with him.  Though these may seem like a boring list of names, we mut remember that these are the names of brethren in the Lord who lived in the first century and were important to Paul and others in the church.  Even as we learn about individuals, there are also lessons that Paul’s words about them teach us.

Who Will Bring Me Down to Earth? – Obadiah 1-4

The church must make sure that it continues to preach the truth about sin.  We do this not to demean or condemn, but to show love by teaching people how to be saved in Jesus Christ.  In preaching against certain sins, however, we must also be mindful of those sins that might be easier to fall into.  One such example is the sin of pride, which is addressed in the early verses of the short book of Obadiah.

A Reflection of God’s Love – Exodus 2:1-10; Hosea 11:1-4

There are few words in the English language as beautiful as the word “mother.” It is right to honor mothers, and we do so on this day by remembering an incredible example of a mother’s love from Scripture. And in remember her example, we then reflect on how God shows his love to all of his children.

Above All These – Colossians 3:12-14

After several weeks taking a deeper dive into Colossians 3:12-14, we conclude with the quality that binds all the others, and all of God’s people, together.  Love is undeniably important for Christians, and if it is pursued diligently, many other things will naturally fall into place.

Blessed Are the Peacemakers – Matthew 5:9

As we watch our world fall into more and more conflict, it is ever more important for Christians to demonstrate by our words and actions that we are dedicated to peace.  There are several reasons that Scripture gives for why we should strive to be peacemakers, which we will examine together in this lesson.

Disagreeing Without Dividing – Romans 14

There are certainly many matters on which members of the body of Christ must “speak the same thing.”  But the Scripture also allows for areas of liberty, areas where we might disagree, but over which we must not divide.  Paul gives some instruction on handling such issues in Romans 14.

The Spirit God Gave Us: Love – 2 Timothy 1:6-7

Our spirit is influence by God’s Spirit when we give ourselves to the Lord, and allow ourselves to be led by Scripture.  The result is a spirit that isn’t overcome with fear, and walks in power, love, and self-control.  But walking in love is more than just loving those who love us, but it also involves loving enemies, as Jesus teaches in Matthew 5.

God is For Us – Romans 8:26-39

If God is for us, who can be against us?  Indeed every Christian should always have that Scripture in their mind, especially as we look out on a dark and evil world in which we live.  Though the world (and Satan) may try to bring us down, we know that God stands with us, through the good and the bad.  And He will never let us down, so we have no reason to fear.